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Dubai Health Authority records an increase in healthcare facilities and workforce

Article-Dubai Health Authority records an increase in healthcare facilities and workforce

The rapid growth reflects the strength and status of Dubai as a leading hub of healthcare.

Dubai's healthcare sector has experienced remarkable growth in its facilities and workforce over the past five years, from 2019 to 2023, reflecting the rapid expansion of this sector, which is considered to be one of the most advanced and progressive sectors.

Recent statistics from the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) revealed a notable increase in the number of healthcare facilities from 3,431 in 2019 to 4,922 in 2023.

This includes 53 government and private hospitals, 58 day-care surgery centres, 2,315 specialised outpatient clinics, 1,495 pharmacies, 119 diagnostic centres, and 655 clinical support facilities.

Additionally, the number of healthcare professionals in Dubai has increased from 39,548 in 2019 to 58,788 in 2023, including 13,082 physicians, 4,071 dentists, 22,960 nurses and midwives, and 18,407 professionals in allied support specialities.

In 2023, there was a significant influx of healthcare professionals seeking employment in Dubai's healthcare sector. The DHA recorded 904,646 new professional registrations, alongside 26,279 new facility registrations and 952 requests for facility activation during the same year.

Commenting on this growth, His Excellency Awadh Seghayer Al Ketbi, Director General of the Dubai Health Authority, affirmed that the rapid growth in healthcare facilities reflects the strength and status of Dubai on the international healthcare map. Dubai has become a preferred destination for healthcare investments and a significant hub for multinational hospitals and medical centres that have chosen Dubai as their headquarters. He noted that Dubai's exceptional investment climate, advanced infrastructure, technological capabilities, and facilitative measures have accelerated the growth, expansion, and diversification of healthcare facilities across Dubai.

Awadh Seghayer Al Ketbi, Director General, Dubai Health Authority

Furthermore, he emphasised that the continuous support and commitment of the Dubai government has contributed to the rapid, diverse, and widespread expansion of healthcare facilities throughout the emirate.

Al Ketbi highlighted that the increasing number of healthcare professionals also demonstrates an important aspect of Dubai's excellence in the healthcare sector, and its commitment to providing an ideal working environment, attracting a healthcare workforce including highly specialised professionals who envision a better future for themselves and their careers in the healthcare sector in Dubai. Al Ketbi affirmed that all this growth in healthcare facilities and professionals positively impacts medical tourism and enhances Dubai's position and competitiveness as a leading destination in this vital field.

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